Mr. Jagdish Kumar
Published On: 23rd November, 2017
Mr. Jagdish Kumar, Group President, is the Group’s Chief Financial Officer and a member of the ANAND Executive Board. In addition to the Group Finance function, Group Legal & Secretariat, Group Corporate Strategy & Planning, as well as Group IT, report to Mr. Kumar.
Jagdish is also a Director on the Board of Joyson ANAND Abhishek Safety Systems, a joint venture with Joyson Safety Systems, USA; he is responsible and accountable to the ANAND Executive Board for this company. Further, he is a member of the ANAND Management Forum, which oversees the operational aspects of the Group.
He joined the ANAND Group in September, 2015.
Before that, Jagdish was the Regional Director, Strategy and M&A, Asia Pacific, for DuPont. He joined DuPont in 1998 as Director, Finance & Planning, of its South Asian operations and was the Chief Financial Officer for the Asia-Pacific region for the automotive paints business. Subsequently, he moved on to lead multiple businesses in South Asia and the Asia-Pacific in the Printing and Packaging markets for DuPont, including a five-year stint in Shanghai as the Asia-Pacific leader of the Packaging Graphics business.
Prior to joining DuPont, Jagdish worked for Tata Consultancy Services. He was also head of Finance and M&A for Ballarpur Industries Limited, based in Delhi. He has vast experience in leadership and board management roles across the Asia-Pacific in a career spanning over 35 years.
Jagdish did his B. Com (Honours) from Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, and a PGDM from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, with a specialisation in finance and marketing.