ANAND House Of Quality Culture Concourse 2019

Published On: 25th June, 2019

Quality is the key parameter to achieve a sustained growth within automotive industry. To attain and sustain world-class quality across all levels within ANAND Group, a comprehensive Quality framework named ANAND House of Quality Culture (AHQC) was formulated. AHQC was formally launched in 2017 and subsequently rolled out across major ANAND hubs. To keep up the momentum and disseminate best practices, regular assessments and reviews are done. In addition, an AHQC concourse was also conducted at the Corporate Headquarters, Hauz Khas, New Delhi in March 2019 to review the progress made in the AHQC journey and recognise key contributors from across the Group.
The event was inaugurated with ribbon cutting and release of a sustainability booklet by Mrs. Anjali Singh, Executive Chairperson, ANAND Group; Mr. Jaisal Singh, Director, ANAND Supervisory Board and Chief Executive, SUJÁN; Mr. Deepak Chopra, Group Chief Executive Officer, ANAND and Mr. Sunil Kaul, Group President, Excellence in Manufacturing, Innovation & Technology, ANAND. The event was attended by members of ANAND Supervisory Board (ASB), ANAND Executive Committee (AEC), ANAND Management Committee (AMC), Q-Council and COOs of the Group companies.
ANAND Group companies namely, ANAND CY Myutec, Anchemco/ Ansysco ANAND, Gabriel India, Haldex ANAND India, ANAND I-Power, MAHLE ANAND Thermal Systems, MAHLE ANAND Filter Systems and Dana Anand India along with corporate functions of Human Resource, Excellence in Manufacturing and Services, Corporate Communications and Information Technology presented their respective AHQC journey and some key breakthrough projects. The companies and functions were felicitated for their contributions towards building quality culture at ANAND. Mr. Naresh Moily, Chief Operating Officer, Dana Anand India received the ‘Chairperson’s Award’ from Mrs. Anjali Singh.
