Henkel ANAND, ACYM, DAIPL CSR and SNS Foundation
Published On: 2nd August, 2021
Since 2014, Government Middle School, Sector 14, Gurugram, has received generous CSR contributions from Henkel ANAND India, ACYMANAND CY Myutec Automotive and Dana Anand India. As a result of these contributions and the efforts of SNS Foundation, 1500+ students have shown better learning outcomes, with 7 students from Class VIII being selected for the National Means cum Merit Scholarship. The school’s infrastructure has also improved and now there are additional classrooms, new washrooms, furniture like desks and benches and a boundary wall. In December 2020, the District Education Office, Gurugram, also recognized the school as a model school, which will see the introduction of English medium instruction. The school will also be allowed to levy a fee of ₹200 per month, not usually the norm for government schools which do not enjoy the ‘model school status’. The collection of fees will enable the school authorities to maintain its facilities properly. Recently the school was presented the Swachh School award by the Municipal Corporation, Gurugram, as part of its annual Swachh Survekshan exercise for 2020.