Construction of Check Dam @ Village Karandwadi (Satara)
Bhanudas Sawant with family of six, owns 1 acre of farmland. He relies on a single well for water for agriculture. In addition to cultivation on his marginal land holding, Bhanudas supplements his family’s income through dairy farming. He has 5 buffaloes. He consistently faced challenges related to the shortage of cattle feed, impacting the milk production from his buffaloes.
With the construction a check dam near his well, Bhanudas started cultivating elephant grass for cattle feed in 0.5 acres, resulted in a increase in milk production, elevating the daily output from 15 liters to 18 liters.
The family’s income witnessed a remarkable surge from ₹. 2,16,000 to ₹. 2,59,000 annually, marking a substantial 20% increase.