Construction of Check Dam @ Village Karandwadi (Satara)

  • Baburao Doiphode’s family, consisting of eight members, faced challenges with their agriculture land, which relied solely on rainfall.
  • With high rainfall and fog affecting rice crop yields, and a water shortage for wheat cultivation during the Rabi season, Baburao could only grow wheat in 10 guntha*, earning 15K.
  • Due to these challenges, his two sons with their families migrated to Mumbai and are working there as drivers to support themselves.
  • The introduction of solar lift irrigation by SNSF, lifting water from the nearby Jagmin Dam, brought a positive change.
  • Now, water is available all throughout the year.
  • Seizing this opportunity, Baburao expanded his wheat cultivation to 18 guntha, estimating a yield increase from 5 to 9 quintals.
  • Consequently, his family’s annual income increased from 15K to 27K, making for an impressive 80% increase. Also he is planning to cultivate vegetables in the remaining 2 guntha of land.
  • Baburao highlighted that other farmers in the area have also been benefited from this initiative.