
Skill Development

SNSF has been associated in the area of skill development for more than a quarter of a century. This enduring engagement is a recognition of the reality that skilling represents the critical gap between vocational illiteracy on one hand and sustainable livelihoods on the other.


Over the years, the Foundation has been active in the development of people skills. In the initial days, the Foundation commenced its skill development focus through the para nursing course. This comprised a Health Assistants’ Training Programme across Mulund, Chennai, Jodhalli, Nashik, Hosur, Pune and Dewas. This programme was implemented with the objective to transform relatively untrained individuals into qualified nursing assistants servicing the growing needs of the country’s health care sector.


SNSF’s vocational skill development engagement now comprises 14 training centres in 5 ANAND locations offering 17 courses across 10 disciplines. SNSF’s beneficiaries comprise men and women between 18 and 35 years from economically weak families with annual incomes not exceeding Rs. 2.5 lakhs. From 2012, SNSF began to work for the skilling and job placement of persons with disabilities, with a special focus on those with speech and hearing impairment.


Our focus areas are:
The skill development programmes run by SNSF are categorised across areas based on skill type, beneficiaries and partnership nature.
1. Collaborated trade training with industry certification
2. Basic factory and maintenance operator training programme
3. Packaging and Inspection (P&I) training programme for the Speech and Hearing Impaired (SHI)
4. Women centric skill training


Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures Image

Training Centres


Training Programmes


Unskilled Youths Getting Skilled Annually


Increase In Family Income of A Skilled & Employed Youth


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Collaborative Training with Industry Certification

The collaborative training with industry certification programme includes two-wheeler technician training, electrician training and plumber training. The content for these two to three-month-long courses are designed by sectoral leaders, which are also the certifying organisations in most cases. Readmore
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Female-Centric Training

ANAND’s staunch belief in women’s empowerment determines its efforts towards providing skill development opportunities to young girls and women. Consequently, SNSF has designed and developed a large number of female-centric courses in areas like apparel-making, ITeS, beauty care, nursing and teaching. Readmore
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Training for the Speech and Hearing-Impaired (SHI)

These courses were started at the behest of SNSF’s long-term funding partner, the American India Foundation and focus on developing skills, which enhance the employability of speech and hearing-impaired youth. Readmore